We offer a full range of pool maintenance service and care for our community. Below is a link to a 50% off coupon and some safety and fun tips for your pool.


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Swimming Pool Safety tips

1) Keep a fence around your pool especially when children are in the area.
2) Make sure there is always adult supervision when children are swimming.
Never take your eyes off children in the pool area.
3) A telephone should always be in the pool area easy to get to.
4) Your adult supervision or baby sitter, should know how to swim.
5) Taking continuing classes in CPR will benefit your family.
6) Children or adults should not run around the pool, especially when deck is wet.
7) Children should learn how to swim at an early age.
8) Never dive in shallow pools.
9) No rough playing in the swimming pool, someone can get hurt.
10) When swimming in the pool, make sure pool sweeps and cleaning equipment are not in the way of swimming.
11) Pool Chemicals need to be stored in a safe area out of children’s reach.
12) The pool area should have plenty of light when swimming at night.
13) Make sure your side gates automatically close after you exit. Gates that are left open or do not automatically close are dangerous to children.
14) Do not swim in the pool when there is thunder or lightning.
15) Never Swim Alone!
16) Small dogs with long hair, short muzzles, or afraid of water should also be supervised. Mesh fences will keep small dogs out of the pool area.
17) Report Green Swimming Pools to the Health Department.

Swimming Pool Pools

Pool Party Games

Have prizes for winners. Categories: 1) Creative 2) Splash size 3) Pain
Crowds applause for the winner or winners.

inflatable pool toy, like a crocodile, dolphin, shark or other. 60 seconds to wrestle a crocodile or inflatable. Make a best impression of wrestling the inflatable, how many death rolls. Prizes for points in:
1) Creative 2) Longevity 3) Loudness (most points given).

Throw diving sticks in the pool and time each swimmer how fast they can collect all of the diving sticks.

Two teams of children, line them up on the side of the pool, players take turn going from one side of the pool to the other.
*picking up diving sticks
*riding a pool noodle
*riding an inflatable pool toy with oars
*pushing a ball through the water

Select 2-3 swimmers to be the sharks, the rest of the children are minnows. Have the sharks in the center and the minnows are in the Safe Zone, on the side of pool. When the game starts, the minnows must swim to the other safe zone on the opposite side. If the shark touches the minnow, the minnow becomes a shark. When there are only a few minnows left then switch. The minnows become sharks, sharks minnows.

Place a hoop at each end and play basketball. Player can’t hold ball longer than 5 seconds.

Select one player to be it. When the player who is “it” tags a swimmer, they must freeze where they are. Another swimmer can unfreeze them by swimming under their legs or doing a cannon ball.

Choose a player to be “it”. Use a large sponge so “it” can throw it at the other players. If “it” hits one of the players, they become the new “it”. You can also use a beach ball.

You can play this as an individual or a team. Each player pushes an apple with their noise across one end of the pool to the other.

If you are interested in what we can offer you, please feel free to contact us directly. A member of our experienced team will be delighted to take your call.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Clean Exterior Pool Swimming Pool